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Tag: death

Death and books

Odd title, but hey! It’s my blog! Today is the fifth anniversary of the death of a loved one, so it’s been a weird day. Books were a very big part of our life together, which is why books are mentioned and are actually the main point of this post. He had a way of recommending books to others, even going as far as always picking up copies of favourite books to have on hand to give away. One of the first books he mentioned to me was Appointment in Samarra by John O’Hara. I didn’t know it so I found it and read it. This amazed him. That I actually went out and found a book he mentioned so I could read it for myself. It seemed to me like a logical way to get to know a person – what did they read. He was quite moved. To…

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Death and Your Online World

Yes, this is a morbid topic, but we need to talk about it. There was a time when people stayed in one place their entire life. Everyone you ever knew was most likely in that same place. The world of an individual probably knew in full when that individual drew his or her last breath. Now we move about, but more importantly, we are in contact with people all over the world. What happens when a person with global contacts dies? How do other people learn about this event? The Idea Behind This Blog Post I started to write this post one year ago. The idea came to me about seven years ago when I was exchanging emails with a friend in another country. He travelled a lot as an independent consultant and spent much time away from his family. This was in the pre-Twitter, pre-TripIt, pre-Facebook, pre-all-sorts-of-social-networking-applications days. I…