I love the conference held by ISTC every October: the Technical Communication UK conference, also known as TCUK. A little hop over the North Sea takes me to a gathering of really nice people whose conversations and presentations get my synapses working overtime in a very good way. From our technical communication perspective, we can discuss XML, temperature controls for showers, stationery stores, content strategy, captioning, Subject Matter Experts… oh, the list goes on and on and on. I’ve done this in 2010 and 2011. I will do it again in 2012. TCUK12 is a bit special for me This year, I was given a great honor – I was asked to be a keynote speaker for the special track on accessibility and usability. I said yes! I also have a workshop and a panel discussion scheduled. The panel discussion will be moderated by the wonderful Kai Weber a.k.a. @techwriterkai.…
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After lots of sweat and tears, but no blood, I posted my presentation from #a11yldn and #tcuk10 on Slideshare. Technical Communication and Inclusion View more presentations from kmardahl. Unfortunately, the notes don’t show up as I thought they would. Because this presentation is not a normal presentation, the notes are crucial. I describe how to caption videos on YouTube and give a brief walk-through of the PDF accessibility checker in Adobe Acrobat. Those notes say it all, so I will have to break out those elements into blog posts, or do something that will make the notes visible. Of course, you can download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation to view my notes, but I wish the Slideshare notes worked. The message is too crucial to hide! PS The sweat and (almost) tears came from reworking these slides 3 times! The first set became corrupted somehow and I had to…
1 CommentActually, I didn’t overdose on conferences. The issue is digesting the conferences. In a space of 6 days last week, I attended Charity Hack 2010 where participants created applications that made it easier for people to donate money to charities Web Accessibility London Unconference where we discussed accessibility issues in the un-conference type of conference Technical Communication UK conference where the tech comms tribe gathered for the usual rituals I also dashed around London in-between some of this. Now I need to digest it all. The world isn’t a quiet, slow-moving place anymore. At least, not in my part of the world. It helps to have photographs to maintain the impressions. I dutifully recorded my experiences on Flickr: My Charity Hack photo set My a11yldn photo set (where a11yldn was the nickname and hashtag for the Web Accessibility London Unconference) My tcuk10 photo set (where tcuk10 was the nickname and…
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