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Tag: freshair

Tell the story

There are a million stories in the naked city, and a million cities. I think one of the first blogs I ever read – and ever loved – was San Francisco Stories. Its author, Derek Powazek, reached around the globe to me with his wonderful storytelling. Later, he started the City Stories project. The lead-in quote on this blog post comes from that site’s tagline. I discussed starting a “Copenhagen Stories” site with someone, but neither of us were committed enough at the time. When I learned that the City Stories project had stopped, I felt partly to blame. I thought it was an excellent idea that deserved to survive. A recent internet search revealed only one site in Manchester, UK with the city-stories theme. It shows no connection to Powazek’s original theme, but it does continue the idea of anyone sharing their anecdotes and stories. One other search result…

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The fierce urgency of now – COP15

Snow falls on the streets of Copenhagen tonight bringing a gentle quiet to the city. I also think Mother Nature is reminding the leaders at the Copenhagen Climate Conference that she is ultimately in charge. The past eight days have been a whirlwind of activity in the city for the thousands of people involved in the climate conference. I have been at the reception area of Tck Tck Tck‘s Fresh Air Center in “Huset”. Between my volunteer work and the overwhelming amount of information pouring in all the time, I only manage tweets and a few photos. The real story is the people at this conference. I am humbled and awed by the people I meet each day. Their dedication and passion for raising awareness about climate-change issues is inspiring. Their stories also strike some fear and worry in my heart. It’s not the stories of science that worry me.…

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