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COP15, or What I am Doing in December

I took a challenge and signed up to blog during the Climate Conference in Copenhagen from the 7th to 18th of December. When I signed up and said I was a local, they asked if I’d mind helping out at the center. I said yes.

Practical details aren’t finalized yet, but the Fresh Air Center pages can give you an idea of the project. This quote sums it up nicely, too.

TckTckTck is convening a rapid response digital media hub in Copenhagen for top global bloggers and digital campaigners. Our goal is to help civil society define the narratives coming from COP-15, align our messages and actions to emerging strategic priorities, encourage sharing and collaboration, and break through the noise by connecting powerful NGO, blogger, and independent digital media channels together.

The “helping civil society” appeals to my communicator heart. I love the idea of helping to communicate important issues in society – politics, science, and so on – so that everyone can have a chance to understand what is going on and to participate.

If this appeals to you, too, use the sign-up link on the Fresh Air Center pages.

(Poor blog. You’ve been sleeping so nicely, and now I come and do this to you. 🙂 It’s for a very good cause called Earth.)

PS If you live in the greater Copenhagen area, people attending the conference need a place to stay. Hotels are booked up. Enrich your life: share a sofa and get to meet one of the COP15 attendees. Sign up at New Life Copenhagen.