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I’m going to a barcamp

It’s about time that I declare this information on my blog!

I will attend the BarCampCopenhagen on 22 November in, well, Copenhagen.

The rules of BarCamp indicate that I should present. After all, it will be my first BarCamp, and everyone knows that at BarCamps there are “no spectators, only participants“.

The “Rules of BarCamp” were written up by Tantek ร‡elik:

  • 1st Rule: You do talk about BarCamp.
  • 2nd Rule: You do blog about BarCamp.
  • 3rd Rule: If you want to present, you must write your topic and name in a presentation slot.
  • 4th Rule: Only three word intros.
  • 5th Rule: As many presentations at a time as facilities allow for.
  • 6th Rule: No pre-scheduled presentations, no tourists.
  • 7th Rule: Presentations will go on as long as they have to or until they run into another presentation slot.
  • 8th Rule: If this is your first time at BarCamp, you HAVE to present. (Ok, you don’t really HAVE to, but try to find someone to present with, or at least ask questions and be an interactive participant.)

Yikes! Three word intros. That will probably take me a month to prepare. ๐Ÿ™‚ Right now, my mindset would say: Communication. Communication. Communication. As for a presentation, what will happen if I say I am a technical writer or technical communicator? Will I stop all conversation?

I have high expectations for this “form of self-organized user generated conference”. I have experienced a distant cousin called Open Space. Some may think this all sounds “fluffy”, but we were almost stressed in my first Open Space group from trying to grab all the ideas and form action plans.

And obviously, there will be blogging from this event. ๐Ÿ™‚ More to come. Stay tuned.