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Month: February 2008

I can has podcast?

A bit of shyness makes me use lolcat speak in my title. I couldn’t just blurt out – I am in a podcast! For English readers of this blog, you need to practice your Danish first. The podcast is made by a Dane in the USA in Danish about the Danish blogosphere. The Dane, Rasmus, wanted to interview someone from, and because the board knew how much I loved to talk, they invited me to do the interview on behalf of our network. The interview was fun, with our connection on Skype falling out about every 5 minutes. Rasmus was very cool and didn’t miss a beat. Despite the technical challenges, it really is impressive how we could sit on opposite sides of the globe and carry on a discussion. Amazing stuff, technology. I learned how talking is so different from writing. Doh! you say? Well, once the words…